Leadership Coaching

Our executive leadership coaching helps senior leaders put their best ideas forward and look after their teams. Receive personalised feedback and leadership insights.
Find out how we can help You

Executive coaches work closely with C-suite executives to address a variety of personal problems that can impact their professional effectiveness and overall well-being. These personal issues often stem from the immense pressure, high visibility, and complex decision-making responsibilities inherent in senior leadership roles.

Which of these problems are you grappling with?

  1. Stress and Burnout:
    • High-Pressure Environment: The demands of leading an organization can lead to chronic stress and burnout.
    • Work-Life Balance: Struggling to maintain a healthy balance between professional responsibilities and personal life.
  3. Decision-Making Challenges:
    • Paralysis by Analysis: Overwhelmed by the magnitude and consequences of decisions.
    • Risk Aversion: Fear of making the wrong decision and its potential impact on the company and your career.
  5. Emotional Regulation:
    • Managing Emotions: Difficulty in controlling emotions, leading to outbursts or inappropriate reactions.
    • Dealing with Fear and Anxiety: Concerns about company performance, job security, and stakeholder expectations.
  7. Communication Issues:
    • Effective Communication: Struggling to communicate clearly and persuasively with diverse stakeholder
    • Active Listening: Failing to listen actively and empathetically to team members and colleagues.
  9. Interpersonal Relationships:
    • Building Trust: Challenges in building and maintaining trust with colleagues, subordinates, and stakeholders
    • Conflict Resolution: Difficulty in managing and resolving conflicts within the leadership team or organization.
  11. Isolation and Loneliness:
    • Feeling Isolated: Experiencing loneliness and isolation at the top, with few peers to confide in.
    • Limited Support Network: Lack of a robust support network to share concerns and seek advice.
  13. Self-Awareness and Blind Spots:
    • Lack of Self-Awareness: Unawareness of personal strengths and weaknesses, leading to ineffective leadership.
    • Identifying Blind Spots: Difficulty in recognizing and addressing behaviours and beliefs that hinder performance and negatively affect relationships.
  15. Imposter Syndrome:
    • Self-Doubt: Persistent feelings of inadequacy and fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evident success.
    • Lack of Confidence: Low self-confidence affecting decision-making and leadership presence.
  17. Personal Development:
    • Stagnation: Feeling stuck in personal growth and development, leading to frustration and decreased motivation.
    • Continuous Learning: Struggling to stay updated with societal and industry trends (including of course the changes being brought about through AI), as well as leadership best practices.
  19. Coping with Change:
    • Adaptability: Difficulty in adapting to organizational changes, market dynamics, and technological advancements.
    • Resistance to Change: Resistance to new ideas and approaches, hindering innovation and progress.
  21. Maintaining Integrity:
    • Ethical Dilemmas: Navigating complex ethical dilemmas and maintaining integrity in decision-making.
    • Pressure to Compromise: Facing pressure to compromise personal values for business gains.
  23. Health and Well-Being:
    • Physical Health: Neglecting physical health due to a demanding schedule, leading to health issues.
    • Mental Health: Managing mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.
  25. Vision and Purpose:
    • Lack of Clarity: Struggling to articulate and maintain a clear vision and purpose for the organization.
    • Aligning Personal and Professional Goals: Ensuring personal values and goals align with professional responsibilities as well as the organisation's mission.

What strategies do you currently use to tackle professional challenges?

What steps are you taking to prepare your team to thrive in a rapidly changing business environment?

Are you able to build resilience and lead with confidence in the face of corporate stress and difficult decisions?

CEOs, executives and business managers must rise to unexpected challenges and situations. Today's complex market requires new skills and strong adaptability to stay competitive.

One of the fastest ways to accelerate performance is through coaching. We provide leaders with a strategic confidant to discuss business decisions and issues impacting their leadership. We listen to hidden solutions and apply coaching techniques to develop actionable strategies.

Thom's systematic, time-tested approach creates professional and personal results.

What is leadership coaching and who is it for?

Leadership coaching involves 1:1 or group sessions with a highly skilled coach. The coach provides personalised guidance and support to identify blind spots, improve leadership style and increase confidence.

Our thirty years of experience demonstrate that coaching is essential to every leader's development. They are the most influential people in an organisation. Ensuring they are supported and equipped with the necessary tools and skills significantly impacts organisation success.

Business man and woman high fiving each other during leadership coaching session — Serenity in Leadership

Coaching programmes

Our coaching programmes are available both individually and in groups.

1:1 Executive Coaching

Our executive coaching programmes offers personalised, convenient, and effective coaching tailored for you.

Your coaching experience with us will fit seamlessly into your schedule. After a thorough consultation, Thom crafts a customised plan to address your unique challenges and goals.

You'll benefit from direct access to Thom via email and phone. In addition, Thom's three decades of coaching success means he also draws from a wealth of experience and has a toolbox full of effective strategies.

Group Coaching

Group coaching is particularly beneficial for people who thrive in a collaborative environment and enjoy learning from others' experiences. It provides a unique opportunity to gain support and insights from a diverse group of peers.

Join other ambitious and aspiring leaders for 10 one-hour weekly sessions. To thrive in the future, CEO Thom Dennis has carefully outlined ten crucial leadership areas the programme focuses on.

Participate in live sessions in the comfort of your own home. The next group coaching programme will start on the 26th of July at 18:30 pm (UK time).

Find out more about our group coaching here.

Benefits of leadership coaching

With Serenity in Leadership executive coaching, you can expect:

  • Effective leadership training to handle volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.
  • More cohesive, productive, engaged teams.
  • The best learning tools to handle corporate transition.
  • Faster, more effective results through better decision-making.
  • Potential risks are identified and planned for.
  • Full potential released.
  • Improved communication.
  • Individuals are better equipped to navigate changing expectations of leadership traits and skills.

We take the time to listen to your concerns and goals to design a bespoke coaching programme tailored to your needs. No matter what the problem is, we'll work with you to come up with actionable strategies to resolve it. Whether you face declining employee engagement, fear of making decisions, communication barriers or high staff turnover.

We will also uncover the secret to your current success and create a roadmap for future growth.

Our coaching has helped many executives achieve their goals and transform their teams. We're confident we can do the same for you.

Meet your coach

Thom Dennis has over thirty years of coaching and leadership experience helping FTSE 500 and Fortune 500 executives. He holds a Master's in Change Agent Skills and Strategies and is a Certified NLP Master Practitioner.

His experience in the Royal Marines and working as a personnel manager of 7,000 in the Ministry of Defense has given him an unparalleled perspective on leadership. He follows a systemic approach, working to find the root cause of any issues to create long-lasting change.

Thom believes leadership is about inspiring others and creating a culture of trust and respect. He uses cutting-edge tools and strategies to encourage leaders to develop themselves and build strong relationships with their teams.

Your coaching journey with us involves a powerful four-step approach:

1. Diagnosis

After a consultation, we provide a questionnaire and a diagnosis session to understand how we can best support your leadership development needs.

2. Development

Our style and approach are adapted to suit your personality, time frame and goals. We agree to clear outcomes and measurable objectives.

3. Reviews and ongoing support

Throughout your coaching journey, we regularly review outcomes and strategies to ensure you reach your potential.

4. Customisable plans

We design and develop customised plans for individuals, teams, and organisations. We offer phone, video, and in-person coaching sessions.

Here is some incredible feedback from past clients:

'To help me thrive in this new complex world, I turned to Thom for his insights and coaching skills. Over a period of nine months, his strong belief that every challenge is a chance to shine made me realise that change can be a catalyst for success. Always pragmatic, patient and down-to-earth, Thom helped me develop the know-how and courage to take a more innovative and flexible to the business. Before I worked with Thom, change was an approaching challenge. Today, I see it as a dynamic opportunity and I’m now in a stronger position to drive that change.' — Private banking executive

'Thom came at a time in my career where I needed the counsel and wisdom of a man who had been there and got the T-shirt! Thom has a great listening style and the ability to help you deconstruct the issues you may be facing, and guides you to possible solution pathways. I know my line manager saw an immediate change in my interactions with my peers and leaders, and using his words—I became more comfortable in my skin." — Professor in Pharmaceutical Innovation, Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd

'During the session, I explained the current work I am undertaking with the Senior Leadership Team and asked how I could maximise this without losing momentum and enhancing accountability. Thom gave real practical examples that will be easy to implement and I am looking forward to using them.' — School headteacher

Ready to transform yourself?

If you are ready to take your personal and professional growth to the next level, don't miss this opportunity.

Book a complimentary 30 minute meeting with Thom. This will be an informal chat to understand your goals, challenges, and aspirations. Thom will also share more about his coaching approach and how he can support you in achieving your desired transformation.

We've partnered with InChorus to help you measure and resolve incidents of bias so that you can grow an inclusive organisation.

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Get in touch to find out how we can support your change needs.
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Get in touch to find out how we can support your change needs.
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Leadership Coaching

We've partnered with InChorus to help you measure and resolve incidents of bias so that you can grow an inclusive organisation.

download the pdf

Executive coaches work closely with C-suite executives to address a variety of personal problems that can impact their professional effectiveness and overall well-being. These personal issues often stem from the immense pressure, high visibility, and complex decision-making responsibilities inherent in senior leadership roles.

Which of these problems are you grappling with?

  1. Stress and Burnout:
    • High-Pressure Environment: The demands of leading an organization can lead to chronic stress and burnout.
    • Work-Life Balance: Struggling to maintain a healthy balance between professional responsibilities and personal life.
  3. Decision-Making Challenges:
    • Paralysis by Analysis: Overwhelmed by the magnitude and consequences of decisions.
    • Risk Aversion: Fear of making the wrong decision and its potential impact on the company and your career.
  5. Emotional Regulation:
    • Managing Emotions: Difficulty in controlling emotions, leading to outbursts or inappropriate reactions.
    • Dealing with Fear and Anxiety: Concerns about company performance, job security, and stakeholder expectations.
  7. Communication Issues:
    • Effective Communication: Struggling to communicate clearly and persuasively with diverse stakeholder
    • Active Listening: Failing to listen actively and empathetically to team members and colleagues.
  9. Interpersonal Relationships:
    • Building Trust: Challenges in building and maintaining trust with colleagues, subordinates, and stakeholders
    • Conflict Resolution: Difficulty in managing and resolving conflicts within the leadership team or organization.
  11. Isolation and Loneliness:
    • Feeling Isolated: Experiencing loneliness and isolation at the top, with few peers to confide in.
    • Limited Support Network: Lack of a robust support network to share concerns and seek advice.
  13. Self-Awareness and Blind Spots:
    • Lack of Self-Awareness: Unawareness of personal strengths and weaknesses, leading to ineffective leadership.
    • Identifying Blind Spots: Difficulty in recognizing and addressing behaviours and beliefs that hinder performance and negatively affect relationships.
  15. Imposter Syndrome:
    • Self-Doubt: Persistent feelings of inadequacy and fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evident success.
    • Lack of Confidence: Low self-confidence affecting decision-making and leadership presence.
  17. Personal Development:
    • Stagnation: Feeling stuck in personal growth and development, leading to frustration and decreased motivation.
    • Continuous Learning: Struggling to stay updated with societal and industry trends (including of course the changes being brought about through AI), as well as leadership best practices.
  19. Coping with Change:
    • Adaptability: Difficulty in adapting to organizational changes, market dynamics, and technological advancements.
    • Resistance to Change: Resistance to new ideas and approaches, hindering innovation and progress.
  21. Maintaining Integrity:
    • Ethical Dilemmas: Navigating complex ethical dilemmas and maintaining integrity in decision-making.
    • Pressure to Compromise: Facing pressure to compromise personal values for business gains.
  23. Health and Well-Being:
    • Physical Health: Neglecting physical health due to a demanding schedule, leading to health issues.
    • Mental Health: Managing mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.
  25. Vision and Purpose:
    • Lack of Clarity: Struggling to articulate and maintain a clear vision and purpose for the organization.
    • Aligning Personal and Professional Goals: Ensuring personal values and goals align with professional responsibilities as well as the organisation's mission.

What strategies do you currently use to tackle professional challenges?

What steps are you taking to prepare your team to thrive in a rapidly changing business environment?

Are you able to build resilience and lead with confidence in the face of corporate stress and difficult decisions?

CEOs, executives and business managers must rise to unexpected challenges and situations. Today's complex market requires new skills and strong adaptability to stay competitive.

One of the fastest ways to accelerate performance is through coaching. We provide leaders with a strategic confidant to discuss business decisions and issues impacting their leadership. We listen to hidden solutions and apply coaching techniques to develop actionable strategies.

Thom's systematic, time-tested approach creates professional and personal results.

What is leadership coaching and who is it for?

Leadership coaching involves 1:1 or group sessions with a highly skilled coach. The coach provides personalised guidance and support to identify blind spots, improve leadership style and increase confidence.

Our thirty years of experience demonstrate that coaching is essential to every leader's development. They are the most influential people in an organisation. Ensuring they are supported and equipped with the necessary tools and skills significantly impacts organisation success.

Business man and woman high fiving each other during leadership coaching session — Serenity in Leadership

Coaching programmes

Our coaching programmes are available both individually and in groups.

1:1 Executive Coaching

Our executive coaching programmes offers personalised, convenient, and effective coaching tailored for you.

Your coaching experience with us will fit seamlessly into your schedule. After a thorough consultation, Thom crafts a customised plan to address your unique challenges and goals.

You'll benefit from direct access to Thom via email and phone. In addition, Thom's three decades of coaching success means he also draws from a wealth of experience and has a toolbox full of effective strategies.

Group Coaching

Group coaching is particularly beneficial for people who thrive in a collaborative environment and enjoy learning from others' experiences. It provides a unique opportunity to gain support and insights from a diverse group of peers.

Join other ambitious and aspiring leaders for 10 one-hour weekly sessions. To thrive in the future, CEO Thom Dennis has carefully outlined ten crucial leadership areas the programme focuses on.

Participate in live sessions in the comfort of your own home. The next group coaching programme will start on the 26th of July at 18:30 pm (UK time).

Find out more about our group coaching here.

Benefits of leadership coaching

With Serenity in Leadership executive coaching, you can expect:

  • Effective leadership training to handle volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.
  • More cohesive, productive, engaged teams.
  • The best learning tools to handle corporate transition.
  • Faster, more effective results through better decision-making.
  • Potential risks are identified and planned for.
  • Full potential released.
  • Improved communication.
  • Individuals are better equipped to navigate changing expectations of leadership traits and skills.

We take the time to listen to your concerns and goals to design a bespoke coaching programme tailored to your needs. No matter what the problem is, we'll work with you to come up with actionable strategies to resolve it. Whether you face declining employee engagement, fear of making decisions, communication barriers or high staff turnover.

We will also uncover the secret to your current success and create a roadmap for future growth.

Our coaching has helped many executives achieve their goals and transform their teams. We're confident we can do the same for you.

Meet your coach

Thom Dennis has over thirty years of coaching and leadership experience helping FTSE 500 and Fortune 500 executives. He holds a Master's in Change Agent Skills and Strategies and is a Certified NLP Master Practitioner.

His experience in the Royal Marines and working as a personnel manager of 7,000 in the Ministry of Defense has given him an unparalleled perspective on leadership. He follows a systemic approach, working to find the root cause of any issues to create long-lasting change.

Thom believes leadership is about inspiring others and creating a culture of trust and respect. He uses cutting-edge tools and strategies to encourage leaders to develop themselves and build strong relationships with their teams.

Your coaching journey with us involves a powerful four-step approach:

1. Diagnosis

After a consultation, we provide a questionnaire and a diagnosis session to understand how we can best support your leadership development needs.

2. Development

Our style and approach are adapted to suit your personality, time frame and goals. We agree to clear outcomes and measurable objectives.

3. Reviews and ongoing support

Throughout your coaching journey, we regularly review outcomes and strategies to ensure you reach your potential.

4. Customisable plans

We design and develop customised plans for individuals, teams, and organisations. We offer phone, video, and in-person coaching sessions.

Here is some incredible feedback from past clients:

'To help me thrive in this new complex world, I turned to Thom for his insights and coaching skills. Over a period of nine months, his strong belief that every challenge is a chance to shine made me realise that change can be a catalyst for success. Always pragmatic, patient and down-to-earth, Thom helped me develop the know-how and courage to take a more innovative and flexible to the business. Before I worked with Thom, change was an approaching challenge. Today, I see it as a dynamic opportunity and I’m now in a stronger position to drive that change.' — Private banking executive

'Thom came at a time in my career where I needed the counsel and wisdom of a man who had been there and got the T-shirt! Thom has a great listening style and the ability to help you deconstruct the issues you may be facing, and guides you to possible solution pathways. I know my line manager saw an immediate change in my interactions with my peers and leaders, and using his words—I became more comfortable in my skin." — Professor in Pharmaceutical Innovation, Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd

'During the session, I explained the current work I am undertaking with the Senior Leadership Team and asked how I could maximise this without losing momentum and enhancing accountability. Thom gave real practical examples that will be easy to implement and I am looking forward to using them.' — School headteacher

Ready to transform yourself?

If you are ready to take your personal and professional growth to the next level, don't miss this opportunity.

Book a complimentary 30 minute meeting with Thom. This will be an informal chat to understand your goals, challenges, and aspirations. Thom will also share more about his coaching approach and how he can support you in achieving your desired transformation.